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ISO 50001 Appreciation and Interpretation

Trainer - Lia Tamazashvili

Price- 105 £ (Equivalent to GEL)

Duration- 9 საათი

You need this course if ...
  • You want an understanding of the key requirements of an Energy Management System

  • You are responsible for energy management within an organisation

You will learn ...
  • The purpose and business benefits of implementing an Energy Management System

  • The background to ISO 50001

  • Key requirements of an Energy Management System

  • Essential definitions to help interpret ISO 50001 requirements

  • Similarities of ISO 50001with ISO 14001 Environmental Management System requirements

  • How an Energy Management System should help ensure that your energy related legal obligations are met

You will need …
  • No previous training.

Your future development ...
  • ISO 14001 Appreciation and Interpretation

  • New Environmental Systems Manager

  • Implementing an ISO 14001 Environmental Management System

  • Internal EMS Auditor

  • EMS Auditor/Lead Auditor

  • EMS Auditor/Lead Auditor Conversion

  • EMS and H&S Internal Auditing

  • See our Business Improvement courses

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